Amen | Ana Soklič |

Nel 2021 con questo brano l'artista Ana Soklič ha partecipato a Eurovision Song Contest

Testo Amen

Hey child,
Why ya hiding from the light?
Why ya cowering in fright?
Don't tell yourself
The heavens cast you out
And you've fallen from grace.
You'll get beaten and bruised,
You'll be scarred unto your core,
But it's gonna make you who you are.
When ya learn to heal,
When ya learn to rise again,
You can tell the sun amen.
We're glorious!
The day is dawning!
The storm's relentless,
But everybody knows,
Everybody knows
We're born to the fight.
Hey child,
The fear’ll never go away;
Might as well accept it now.
Learn to persevere,
Learn to count your blessings down…
Greet the future with amen.
We're glorious!
The day is dawning!
The storm's relentless,
But everybody knows,
Everybody knows
We're born to the fight.
Not until the rain has stopped,
Not until the thunder's hushed
Are we at rest, are we at peace… just imagine it.
Not until the storm has passed,
Not until it's quiet,
Can the heart that's broken cry.
We're glorious!
The day is dawning!
The storm's relentless,
But everybody knows,
Everybody knows
We're born to the fight.
Hey child,
Why ya hiding from the light?

Playlist Spotify

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